Redirect Pages in WordPress


I want to move a page in a WordPress site to a different location, but I still want the old address to be active and instead redirect to the new address.


Unfortunatelly as per WordPress 2.7 there isn’t any standard functionallity to accomplish this, so the easiest way to go is to use plugins.

I use Paul Bains EasyRedirect which works for WordPress 2.7 although the description states “compatible up to: 2.2.0″. Just install it and add a tag of the form [redirect url time] to your redirecting page.

And we have to make sure the redirecting page is not showing up in the automatically generated page menu. I use <a href=””>Simon Wheatley’s Exclude Pages plugin</a> for this. This excellent piece of code adds a check box named “Include this page in user menus” to your page administration page. Very convenient.

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